中心團隊魏希聖教授運用「兒少家庭社會經驗追蹤研究」資料庫分析,發表於Child Psychiatry & Human Development

2023-12-19 10:01:50

  本研究以自陳問卷蒐集學生在三個時間點(小學四年級、小學六年級、國中二年級)肢體和言語霸凌受害的資料。經由高階統計分析模型之結果顯示,學生的霸凌受害經驗可區分為四種軌跡:長期性受害者(chronic victims)、晚發性受害者(late onset victims)、改善型受害者(desisters)和非受害者(non-victims)。

This study examined the peer victimization trajectory and maladjustment outcomes among early Taiwanese adolescents. Data were extracted from a large-scale longitudinal study with a national representative sample. A total of 1691 school students in 4th, 6th, and 8th grade were analyzed. Using latent profile analysis, students were classified into four trajectories, chronic victims, late onset victims, desisters, and non-victims, based on their self-reported physical and verbal victimization at three time points. Maladjustment, including psychological distress, reduced school attachment, internet addiction, and suicidal ideation in 8th grade, were assessed. The results showed significant differences in adjustment among students in the four trajectories. Chronic victims had the poorest outcomes on most variables, followed by late onset victims and desisters, while non-victims had the least maladjustment. The findings highlight the need for future interventions that would consider students’ victim status over time and pay particular attention to those who suffer constant bullying and abuse.




#Peer victimization #Trajectories #Psychoemotional maladjustment #Adolescents #Taiwan