Relationships between Parent-Reported Parenting, Child-Perceived Parenting, and Children’s Mental Health in Taiwanese Children

2019-05-08 11:13:00


Ching-Yu Huang, Yi-Ping Hsieh, April Chiung-Tao Shen, Hsi-Sheng Wei,
Jui-Ying Feng, Hsiao-Lin Hwa, and Joyce Yen Feng


The current study examines the relationship between parents’ and children’s reports of parenting and their effects on children’s mental health symptoms. Six hundred and sixty-six parent-child dyads in Taiwan participated in this study. The parents and the children filled out the parenting questionnaires, and the children also reported their general mental health. The results demonstrated that parental-reported and child-perceived parenting were positively correlated, but parents tended to report lower scores on authoritarian parenting and higher scores on Chinese parenting than did their children. There were also significant gender differences: The mothers reported higher authoritative parenting than did the fathers; and the boys perceived higher authoritarian and Chinese-culture specific parenting than did the girls. Moreover, the Chinese parenting had a negative effect on children’s mental health outcomes. Finally, our results showed that children’s perception of parenting had a stronger effect on children’s mental health symptoms than did parental reports on parenting, urging future research to include the children’s report when investigating the effects of parenting on children’s mental health outcomes. View Full-Text



這份由666位國小四年級學生及其家長所填寫的問卷資料主要探討家長與孩童對於自身家庭教育的認知與感受,探討不同教育型態對於台灣兒童心理層面的影響,研究過程中,我們特別針對以下三種教育型態(開明權威型、專制威權型、華人傳統教育)進行比較,分析各個教育模式的風格如何影響孩童的心理健康狀況,根據研究成果可以歸納出以下幾個重點: 第一,當孩子認為家長是實施專制威權教育時,父母反而認為自己使用的是華人傳統教育;第二,問卷調查中,母親自陳使用專制威權的教育模式相比父親來的頻繁;第三,男性孩童認為自己受到專制威權教育的比例是高於女性孩童的,相對也認為自己較常受到嚴厲的要求和干預;最後,研究發現孩童對於家庭教育方式的親身感受會最直接地反映在他們的心理狀況,而非家長所認知的教育模式。總結來說,家庭教育的風格對於孩童的心理狀況和情緒管理有不可忽視的影響,當家長和孩童在教育方式上的認同感有落差時,家長平時可以多把握機會與孩子進行對話,了解彼此對於家庭教育型態的看法和感受,鼓勵孩童提出對教育方式的建議,透過有效的溝通來提升親子之間的關係。




#家庭教育 #教育型態 #心理健康 #情緒管理 #親子關係