


1.國立臺北大學 社會工作學研究所 江婉綾

<隨母庇護的目睹兒童之創傷知情照顧:以某市庇護所為例 Trauma-informed care of children witnessing violence who are sheltered with their mothers: A case study of city operated shelters as an example>

2.國立臺灣大學 社會工作研究所 楊書雲

<東南亞籍新住民受暴婦女的交織困境 Suffered from intimate partner violence: Intersectional predicaments for marriage migrants in Taiwan>

3.國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 簡伶禎

<安康平價住宅與家庭暴力 An-Kang low-cost housing and domestic violence>

4.輔仁大學 臨床心理研究所 蘇聽雨

<母親童年逆境經驗、主動控制與親子情感可近性之關聯性探討 Association among adverse childhood experiences in mothers, maternal effortful control, and emotional availability in mother-child dyads>