臺大中信兒家研究中心沈瓊桃主任與吳佳芸執行長利用雙城計畫的研究資料,將研究結果發表於Child Abuse & Neglect國際期刊

2024-06-25 08:46:45

從負面童年經驗到嚴厲管教: 心理健康的中介角色


        童年時期所發生的事件常影響人的一生,伴隨著極大壓力的負面童年經驗(Adverse childhood expereiences, ACEs)更是如此。過往國外研究顯示,小時候經歷壓力事件的孩童,長大成為父母後比較傾向採取嚴厲的教養方式,成為下一代的童年陰影,讓嚴厲的教養方式不斷循環。本研究檢視負面童年經驗、心理健康以及嚴厲教養方式三者之間的關聯。

        我們採用按規模大小成比例的隨機抽樣方式(probability-proportional-to-size sampling),於2017-2018年間在台北市與新北市蒐集了6,480筆來自國小一、三、五年級家長或主要照顧者的有效樣本。本研究採用6,195筆填答者為孩童父母的資料(4,743位母親及1,452位父親);研究參與者大多已婚(89.2%)且有大學/專以上的學歷(71.3%)

        根據研究參與者的自我陳述,22.5%的研究參與者遭遇至少一項負面童年經驗,包括:父母離婚(9.0%)、經歷重要家人死亡(4.5%)、目睹暴力或謀殺(2.5%)及目睹父母親打架(14.4%)。雖然心情溫度計量表(BSRS-5)顯示大多數的研究參與者的心理狀態健康(75.0%),但仍有少數呈現輕度(n = 944)、中度(n = 307)及重度(n = 68) 的心理健康症狀。負面童年經驗和精神症狀的相關達到統計顯著,意即負面童年經驗是家長自心理健康的危險因子。
        分析父母教養方式的結果發現,嚴厲的教養方式和負面童年經驗(p < .001)及精神症狀都有顯著的關聯。中介分析模型更顯示心理健康在負面童年經驗和嚴厲管教中扮演了完全中介的角色。


The study revealed a direct link between parental ACEs and harsh parenting, with psychological symptoms serving as a mediator. Our findings suggest that trauma-recovery programs should promote regular screening and interventions for parents with ACEs.


Research evidence has demonstrated a direct link between ACEs and harsh parenting. However, the mechanisms linking paternal ACEs to harsh parenting have remained largely unexplored among Asian populations.


In the current study, we examined the relationships between parental ACEs and harsh parenting and explored the potential mediating effect of psychological symptoms on the relationship between parental ACEs and harsh parenting.
Participants and setting
A total of 6195 Taiwanese parents of children aged 6 to 12 were recruited from 58 primary schools in the Taiwanese cities of Taipei and New Taipei.


Using probability-proportional-to-size sampling and a self-report survey, we collected data relating to parental ACEs, psychological symptoms, and child-rearing behaviors. A hierarchical regression analysis was completed to examine the effects of parental ACEs and psychological symptoms on harsh parenting. In addition, we tested the potential mediating effects of psychological symptoms on the relationship between parental ACEs and harsh parenting by employing a simple mediation model (PROCESS) with a bootstrapping procedure.

We found that both parental ACEs and psychological symptoms were significant predictors for mothers' and fathers' adoption of harsh parenting behaviors. Moreover, after adjusting for covariates, we discovered the unique finding that psychological symptoms mediated the relationship between parental ACEs and harsh parenting among Taiwanese parents.

The study revealed a direct link between parental ACEs and harsh parenting, with psychological symptoms serving as a mediator. Our findings suggest that trauma-recovery programs should promote regular screening and interventions for parents with ACEs.




#Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) #Psychological symptoms #Harsh parenting #Five-Item #Brief-Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5) #Child-Rearing Practices Report (CRPR) #Taiwan