中心團隊楊喬羽老師運用「兒少家庭社會經驗追蹤研究」資料庫分析,發表於International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction。

2024-08-02 04:57:54


摘要:臺大中信兒家研究中心團隊成員楊喬羽老師(摩根州立大學社會工作學院)等人,使用具全國代表性樣本之學生追蹤資料「兒少家庭社會經驗追蹤資料庫」的第三波追蹤資料,共納入2,667位國中生(1415歲),針對創傷後壓力症候群 (post-traumatic stress disorders, PTSD) 與青少年飲酒之性別差異進行探討。




Title: Gender Differences in the Relationship Between PTSD and Youth Alcohol Use


It has been established that post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) contribute to an increased risk of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders. Research has shown that this is particularly true for adult females. However, limited research exists regarding whether PTSD predicts alcohol use among youth, nor has it adequately addressed whether gender plays a differential role in predicting the influence of PTSD on youth alcohol use. Using a nationally representative sample of 2,667 eighth-grade junior high school students (aged 14 to 15) in Taiwan, this study examined the relationship between PTSD and adolescent alcohol use and the moderating effect of gender on the relationship. The findings indicated that gender is a moderating factor when examining the influence of PTSD on alcohol use, with PTSD symptoms predicting alcohol use only for female but not male youth. These results suggest that secondary alcohol prevention programs should prioritize identifying females with PTSD and that further research on post-trauma health behaviors among female youth is needed.




#Gender diference #Youth alcohol use #PTSD #Logistic regression #Taiwan