


1.國立臺灣大學 社會工作研究所 李恩惠 

<少數族群壓力下已婚同性伴侶的婚姻決策與經歷 Marriage decision-making and experience of married same-sex couples under the minority stress>

2.國立清華大學 教育心理與諮商學系 張乃文

<親子藝術治療運用在目睹兒童及受暴母親親子互動之歷程分析 Process Analysis of the Parent Child Interaction for Children Who Witnessed the Domestic Violence and Their Battered Mothers in Filial Art Therapy Sessions>

3.國立台北教育大學 心理與諮商所 莊鑫奇

<沙盤媒材應用於目睹家庭暴力兒童之經驗探究 Exploring the Experience of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence by Appling Sandtray Materials>

4.國立台北大學 社會工作所 陳心圓 

<擁抱房間裡的大象-兒少團體家庭工作人員應用創傷知情實務經驗初探 Embrace the Elephant in the Room- A Study on the Trauma-Informed Care Experience of Workers in Child & Adolescent Group Home>